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Annales des Mines (1894, série 9, volume 6)

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Révision de 18 mars 2015 01:41:22, edited by Anonymes




for 1892 and 1893. In-8°. Washington , Government Printing Office. Chaque vol., 2,75.

Humais (G.-D.). - Elements of Atom Mechanics. Vol. 1. The True Atomic Weights of the Chemical Elements and the Unity of Matter. Portrait and Plates. In-8°, 268 p. New-York, Westermann and C°. 18',75. PowELL (J.-W.). - United States Geological Survey. 12th Annual Report, 1890-1891. Part 1, Geology; Part 2. Irrigation. In-4°. Washington, Govern ment Printing Office. - United States Geological Survey. 131h Annual Report, 18911892. In 3 Parts. Part 1, Report of Director; Part 2, Geology;


A Geographical Dictionary of Connecticut. In-8°. Washington, Government Printing Office. - Monographs. Vol. 19, Penokee Iron-Bearing Series of Mi-

chigan and Wisconsin. By R.-D. Irving and C.-R. Van Hise. Maps. ln-4°, 534 p. Washington, Government Printing Office. Vol. 21, Tertiary Rhynchophorous Coleoptera of the United States. By Samuel Hubbard Scudder. Illusts. In-4°, 206 p. Washington, Government Printing. Office. 4,95. Vol. 22, A Mantra' of Topographie Methods. By Henry

Gannett. Illust. In-4°, 300 p. Washington, Government Printing Office. 6,25.

Part 3, Irrigation. Maps. Illust. 3 vols. In4°. Washington, Government Printing Office. ROTHWELL (R.-P.). - The Minerai Industry : Its Statistics, Tech1050 p. New-York, Scientific nology and Trade. Vol. 2. Publishing Co.

United States Geological Survey. - Bulletin. No. 97, The Mesozoic Echinoclermata of the United States; No 98, Flora of the Outlying Carboniferous Basins of South-Western Missouri; No. 99, Record of North American Geology for 1891 ; No. 100, Bibliography and Index of the Publications of the Geological Survey, with the Laws Governing their Printing and Distribution; No. 101, Insect Fauna of the Rhode Island Coal Field; No. 102, A Catalogue and Bibliography of North American Me-

sozoic Invertebrata; No. 103, High Temperature Work in Igneous Fusion and Ebullition, Chiefly in Relation to Pressure; No. 104, The Glaciation of the Yellow Stone Valley, North of the Park; No. 105, The Laramie and the Overlying Livingstone Formation in Montana; No. 406, The Colorado Formation and its Invertebrate l'aima; No. 107, The Trap Dikes of the Lake Champlain Region; No. 108, A Geological Reconnaissance in Central Washington ; No. 109, The Eruptive and Sedimentary Rocks on Pigeon Point, Minnesota, and their Contact Phenomena; No. 110, The Paleozoié Section hl the Vicinity of Three Forks, Montana; No. Ill, Geology of the Big Stone Gap Coal Field of Virginia and Kentucky; No. 112, Earthquakes in California in 1892; No. 113, Report of Work Doue in the Division of Chemistry during the Fiscal Years 1891-1892 and 1892-1893; No. 114, Earthquakes in California in 1893; No. 115, A Geographical Dictionary of Rhode Island; No. 116, A Geographical Dictionary of Massachusetts; No. 117,


HEim (A.). - Geologische Excursion quer durch die iistlichen Schweizer-Alpen. Lausanne, F. Payot. In-8°, 16 p., 1 pl. 2 fr. Livret-Guide géologique dans le Jura et les Alpes de la Suisse, publié par le comité d'organisation du congrès géologique international, tenu à Zurich en 1894. In-8° av. 89 gras. et 13 pl. 18,75.

OUVRAGES ALLEMANDS. 1° Mathématiques et Mécanique pures. BACHMANN (P.). - Zahlentheorie. Versuch einer Gesammtdarstellung dieser Wissenschaft in ihren Haupttheilen. II. Thl. Die analytisehe Zahlentheorie. Leipzig, B.-G. Teubner. In-8', xviii(2513) 494 p. 15 fr. BERTHENSON (G.). - Grundprincipien der physiologischen Mecha-

nik und das Buttenstedt'sche Flugprincip. Berlin, Mayer und (2095) Millier. In-8°, 28 P. 1,25. ROCHER (M.). - Die Reihenentwickelungen der Potentialtheorie. Leipzig, B.-G. Teubner. In-8°, viii-258 p. avec 113 fig. 10 fr. (4066)