Annales des Mines (1905, série 10, volume 8) [Image 337]

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ing Descriptions of the Methods of Mining for Minerais in alF parts of the World. With 24 Illusts. In-8°, 402 p. Pearson6 fr. 25.




7° Construction. — Chemins de fer. (T.). — Permanent Way for Tramways and Street Railways. In-8°, 246 p. Railway Engineering Office. ASHE (S.-W.) and KEILEY (J.-D.). — Electric RailwaysTheoretically and Practically Treated. In-8°, 294 p. Constable. 13 fr. 15. H ALL and PICKLES. — Standard Sleel Construction. For the Use of Architecte, Engineers, and Contractors. In-fol., 48 p. Sherralt and Hughes. 13 fr. 15. LAKR (C.-S.). — The World's Locomotives. A Digest of the latest Locomotive Practice in the Railway Countries of the World. With 8 Folding Plates and over 300 Photographs and Détail Drawing. Tn-8°, 380 p. P. Marshall. 13 fr. 15. Parliameritary. — Railway Accidents. General Report of thfr Board of Trade for 1904. 0 fr. 95. Railway Accidents. Returns and Inspectors' Reports for 'auto Mardi, 1905. 2 fr. 20. Returns and Reports of Inspectors for Aprit-June, 1905I fr. 50. TWELVETREES (W.-N.). — Concrète Steel. A Treatise on the Theory and Practice of Reinforced Concrète Construction. IllustIn-8°, 230 p. Whittaker. 7 fr. 30. SMITH (R.-H.). — Electric Traction. Illust. ln-8°, 466 p. Harper. II fr. 25.


8° Objets divers. (D.-B.). — Portland Cément : Ils Manufacture, Testing, and Lise. 2nd éd., revised and enlarged. In-8°, 406 p. Spon. 20 fr. FIDLER ( T.-C ). — Civil Engineering. With 15 Illusts. In-8°, ix-183p. Methuen. 3 fr. 15. KEY (A.). — A Primer of Explosives. For the use of local Ins pectors and Dealers. Edit. by Captain J.-H. Thomson. In-12° 108 p. Macmillan. 1 fr. 25. BUTLER

(W.-F.) and ALLEN (E.-T.). — Comparison of a Wet and Crucible-Fire Methods for Assay of Gold Tellui ide Ores. With Notes on the Errors occurring in the Opérations of Firo Assay and Parting. (U. S. Geological Survey.) In-8°, 30 p. W. Wesley. 1 fr. 90.


(C.-K.). — Rock Cleavage. With 27 Plates and Engravings. (Extr. du Bull. U. S. Geol. Survey.) In-8°. W. Wesley. 6 fr. 25. Low (A. -IL). — Technical Methods ofOre Analysis. In-8°, x-273 p., avec 14 fig. New-York, J. Wiley and Sons. 15 fr. United States Geological Survey. — Bulletins n° 234. Gcographi Tables and Formulas (2nd éd.). Compiled by S. -S. Gannett. — N° 235. A Geological Reconnaissance Across the Cascade Range near the 49th Parallel by G. Otis Smithand F.-C. Calkins. — N° 236. The Porcupine Placer District, Alaska, by C.-W. Wright. — N° 237. Petrography and Geology of the Igneous Rocks of the Ilighwood Mountains, Montana, by L.-V. Pirsson. — N° 218. Economie Geology of the IolaQuadrangle,Kansas,by G.-l. Adams r E. Haworth, and W.-R. Crâne. — N° 239. Rock Cleavage, by C.-K. Leith. — N° 240. Bibliography and Index of Norlh Arac■ rican Geology, Paleontology, Petrology, and Mineralogy for the Year 1903, by F. Boughton Weeks. — N° 242. Geology of the Hudson Valley between the Hoosic and the Kinderhook, by T. Nelson Date. — N° 243. Cément Materials and Industry of the United States. By E.-C. Eckel. — N° 244. Contributions to Devonian Paleontology, 1903, by H. Shaler Williams and E.-M. Kindle. — N° 245. Results of Primary Triangulation and Primary Traverse, Fiscal Year, 1903-04, by S. -S. Gannett. — N° 246. Zinc and Lead Deposits of North-Westei n Illinois, by H. Foster Bain. — N" 248. A Gazetteer of Indian Territory, by H. Gannett. — N° 249. Limestones of South-Western Pennsylvania, by F.-G. Clapp. — N° 250. The Petroleum Fields of the Pacific Coast of Alaska, wilh an Account of the Bering River Coal Deposits, by G.-C. Martin. — N° 252. Preliminai y Report on the Geology and Water Resources of Central Oregon, by I. -C. Russell. — N° 253. Comparison of a Wet and Crucible-Fire Methods for the Assay of Gold Telluride Ores, with Notes on LEITH