Annales des Mines (1904, série 10, volume 6) [Image 344]

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(W.-H.). — Modem Machine Shop Tools. 4th ed. Illust. In-8°, 552 p. Crosby Lockwood and Son. 26 f ,25.




(W.-S.). — The Manominee Iron-Bearing District of Michigan. With Maps and Illusts. (Monographs of the U. S. Geol, Survey.) In-4», 513 p. Washington, Govt. Printing Office. CHAMBERLIN (T .-C). — A Contribution to the Theory of Glacial Motion. ( The Decennial Publications.) Illust. In-4», 16 p. Univ. of Chicago Press. 3 fr. 15. CHAZAL (P.-E.). — The Century in Phosphates and Fertilizers : a Sketch of the South Carolina Phosphate Industry. In-8», 71 p. Charleston, L. Richardson. ■GRABAU (A.-W.). — Phylogeny of Fusus and its Allies. (Extr. des Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections.) 18 Plates and Engravings. In-8°, 192 p. Wesley. 6 fr. 2b. JOUET (C.-H.). — Index to the Literature of Thorium, 1817-1902. (Extr. des Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections.) In-8°, 154 p. Wesley. 3 fr. 15. MOORK (E.-H.). — The Sub-groups of the Generalised Finite Modular Group. (Extr. de The Decennial Publications.) Univ. of Chicago Press. 4 fr. 40. TRAVERS (M.-W.). — Researches on the Attainment of very Low Températures. Part 1. (Extr. des Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections.) In-8°, 32 p. av. 11 grav. W. Wesley. 2 fr. 50. United States Geological Survey. 24th Annual Report of the Director to the Secretary of the Interior, 1902-3. With Maps. ln-4°, 302 p. Washington, Government Printing Office. Bulletin: No. 208. Descriptive Geology of Nevada South of the Fortieth Parallel and Adjacent Portions of California, by J.-E. Spurr.—No. 218. The Coal Resources of the Yukon, Alaska, by A.-J. Collier. — No. 219. The Ore Deposits of Tonopah, Nevada (Preliminary Report), by J.-E. Spurr. — No. 220. Minerai Analyses from the Laboratories of the United States Geological Survey, 1880 to 1903. Tabulated by F.-W. Clarke. — No. 221. Bibliography and Index of North American Geology, BAYLEY



Paleontology, Petrology, and Mineralogy for the Year 1902, by F.-B. Weeks. — No. 222. Catalogue and Index of the Publica-' lions of the Hayden, King, Powell and WheelerSurveys, namely, Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories, Geological Exploration of the Fortieth Parallel, Geographical and Geological Surveys of the Rocky Mountain Région, Geographical Surveys West of the One Hundredth Meridian, by L.-F. Schmeckebier. — No. 223. Gypsum Deposits in the United States, by G.-l. Adams and Others. — No. 224. A Gazetteer of Texas <2nd éd.), by H. Gannett. — No. 225. Contributions to Economie Geology, 1903. — No. 226. Boundaries of the United States and of the several States and Territories, with an outline of the History of ail important Changes of Terri tory (3rd éd.), by H. Gannett. — No. 227. The United States Geological Survey, its Origin, Development, Organisation, and Opérations. — No. 228. Analyses of Rocks from the Laboratory of the Geological Survey, 1880 to 1903, Tabulated by F.-W. Clarke. — No. 229. The Tin Deposits of the York Région, Alaska, by A.-J. Collier. — No. 230. A Gazetteer of Delaware, by H. Gannett. — No. 231. A Gazetteer of Maryland, by H. Gannett. — No. 232. A Gazetteer of Virginia, by fl. Gannett. — No. 233. A. Gazetteer of West Virginia, by ff. Gannett. — No. 241. Experimenfs on Schistosity and Slaty Cleavage, by G. -F. Decker. In-8». Washington, Government Printing Office. Professional Papers. Reconnaissance from Port Hamlin to Kotzebue Sound, Alaska, by way of Dali, Kanuti, Allen, and Kowak Rivers, by W.-C. Mendenhatl. — No. 11. The Clays of the United States East of the Mississipi River, by H. Ries. — No. 12. Geology of the Globe Copper District, Arizona, by F. Leslie Ransome. — No. 13. Drain Modifications in South-Eastern Ohio and adjacent parts of West Virginia and Kentucky, by W.-G. Tight. — No. 14. Chemical Analyses of Igneous Rocks, published from 1884 to 1900, with a Critical Discussion of the Character and Use of Analyses, by H.-S. Washington. — No. 15. The Minerai Resources of the Mount Wrangell District, Alaska, by W.-C. Meldenhall and F.-C. Schrader. No. 16. The Carboniferous Formations and Faunas of Colorado, by G.-H. Girty. — No. 17. Preliminary Report on the Geology and Water Resources of Nebraska West of the 103rd Meridian, by IV. -H. Darton. — No. 18. Chemical Composition of Igneous Rocks Expressed by Means of Diagrams, with Référence to Rock Classification on a Quantitative Chemico-Mine-