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Annales des Mines (1908, série 10, volume 14)

Page : Image 317

Révision de 8 févr. 2015 21:33:34, edited by Anonymes





(A.). — Strength of Materials. In-8°, 498 p. Longmans. 9 fr. 40.

British Standard Spécification for Cast Iron Spigot and Socket

l'arliamentary . — Raihvays. Accidents. Returns and Inspectors'

Low-Pressure Heating Pipes. (Engineering Standards Committee. Report No. 40.) In-Fol. Lockwood. 3 fr. 15.


Reports for October to December, 1907. Part 2. Reports on Accidents. With Plates. 8 fr. 65.

Standard Spécification for Cast Iron Spigot and Socket Elue or Smoke Pipes. (Engineering Standards Committee. Report41.) In-Fol. Lockwood. 3 fr. 15.

General Report and Statistics for the Year, 1907. Ofr. 7b.

Reports of Inspectors upon certain Accidents which


(W.-R.). — Gold fr. 25.


occurred cluring January to March, 1908, with Summary of Returns of Accidents. 1 fr. 40.



Raihvays, Ireland. Vice-Regal Commission on Irish Railways,

and Silver. In-8°.

Chapman and Hall.

(Sir G.-L. and H.-B.). — Pocket Book of Useful For-

mula andMemoranda for Civil, Mechanical and Electrical En-

including Light Railways, Fourth Report, with Evidence, January 10 to March 4, 1908. 3 fr. 90.

gineers. 26th éd., revised and enlarged. In-18. Spon. 6 fr. 23.

(V.). — The Railway Locomotive, What It Is, and Why It Is What It Is. In-8°, 322 p. Constable. 7 fr. 50.



(B.). — Handbook on Raihvay Surveying. For Students

and Junior Engineers. In-12, 144 p. Spon. 3 fr. 15.



(E.-E.-R.). — Railway Track and Track Work. 3rd éd., revised. In-8». Constable. 17 fr. 50.



.-L.). — Eléments of Railway Track and Construction.

In-8". Chapman and Hall. 10 fr. 65.

(F.-W.). — The Data of Geochemistry. (Bull. U. S. Geol. Sun.) ln-8°, 716 p. W. Wesley. 10 f. 65.


8° Législation.



RegulationJBurgh of Helensburgh) Order, 1908. Dated August 20, 1908. 0 fr. 15.

(T.-J.-J.). — The New Theory of Earthquakes and Mountain

Formation as Illustrated by Processes now at Work in the Depths of the Sea. (Extr. des Proc. of the Amer. Phil. Soc.) In-8°, 47 p. av. fig. et 3 cartes. W. Wesley. 2 fr. 50.

Xo 659. Tramway. Régulations and Byelaws, dated August 12, 1908, as regards Electrical Power (Overhead Trolley System) on the Newcastle-upon-Tyne Corporation Tramways. 0 fr. 15.

Further Researches on the Physics of the Earth, and especially on the Folding of Mountain Ranges, and the Uplift of

Xo 660. Explosives in Coal Mines Order of Auguste 20, 1908.

Plateaus and Continents produced by Movements of Lava be-

0 fr. 15. i

(S.-H.). — Mechanical Engineering and Machine Shop

Practice. In-8°, 502 p. New-York, Hill Pub. Co. 21 fr. 25.

Légal. — No 058. S. 70. Locomotive, Scotland. The Motor Cars

neath the Crust arising from the Secular Leakage of the Océan

No 672. Railway. Régulations, dated August 20, 1908, as regards Electrical Power (Overhead Trolley System)

Bottoms. In-8°, 118 p. av. fig. et 2 cartes. W. Wesley. 7 fr. 50.

on the

United States Geological Survey. — Geography and Geology of

Llandudno and Colwyn Bay Light Railways. 0 fr. 15.

a Portion of South-western Wyomihg. With spécial référence to

No 691. S. 71. Locomotive, Scotland. The Motor Cars Ré-

Coal and Oil. By A.-C. Vcatch. In-fol. ment Printing Office.

gulation (Burgh of Cowdenbeath) Order, 1908, Dated September 5, 1908. 0 fr. 15.

Washington, Govern-

Twenty-Eighth Annual Report of the Director of the United States Geological Survey to the Secretary of the Interior. Foi-

9° Objets divers. RREED

(C.-B.) and


Fiscal Year ended June Printing Office.

(G.-L.). — The Principles and Practice

of Surveying. Vol. 2. Chapman and Hall. 13 fr. 15.

30, 1907. Washington, Government

Bulletin : No 309. The Santa Clara Valley, Puente Hills, and Los Angeles Oil Districts, Southern California. ByG. -H. ElÛriÙge